Week 4 Instructions


What is this thing we call writing? Does it know that you have come so faithfully to your desk? What does it want of you? What does it want for you?

I don’t know. But it is up to something. Writing has been with me through births, deaths, successes, laundry, and wild, weedy garden after wild, weedy garden. I don’t understand writing, but I know that I am not the sole participant in this practice.

What will you do with writing? Where will you go? Will you build a new world, will you expose injustice, will you heal. I imagine you will hurt. I imagine you will shake your head in disgust, surprise, and delight. I know quite well you will not be the same.

So write, my brave, brave friend. Write and be broken open. Write and be stitched back together. Slow down, notice, take three deep breaths, and WRITE!!!